Friday, December 20, 2013


Even though I have only been blogging since August of this year, I am going to take a short break for the rest of the year to spend time with my family.  

However, I need to be cranking out articles to have ready to go at the first of the year (What? you thought I wrote those the day before posting?), so I would like some feedback from you.

I have posted a survey of general topics on the right side of my home page.  Please take the survey.  Also, for specific questions you would like addressed, leave comments below. You can comment anonymously if you prefer.

Thanks for taking the survey. Thanks for reading my blog.

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Kathleen Caron said...

Hi Karen, as you know I really loved your post about chores and teaching kids self-sufficiency before they leave home. I like anything you have to write in this vein. Thanks for sharing your wisdom!

9peasMom said...

Merry Christmas to you as well! Enjoy this time with your family!

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